Sunday, April 19, 2009

Final Paper

My final paper for my philosophy class has to be posted on a blog, so mine will be posted here. More to follow soon.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My Story

So, what to do now. i am going to give me a quote from a book i want to write, so that i may remember it tomorrow and in the future if i ever do decide to write something. here we go: Kid says(yes his name is kid. i havent thought about this enough to come up with an actual name. besides, names are the hardest thing for me to come up with. why cant science fiction characters be named john or something? instead they have to be named things like Drizzt or Dresdan(i know his first name is harry but everyone call me by my last name so thats how i refer to my favorite book characters as) and no, there was no pun intended when the initials of my examples are DD. you pervs)

anyways, Kid says " Hey, when do i get a nickname? everyone in this clan has one, why dont I?"

Leader guy, angry now, says "you idiot. nicknames arent things that are given, not in this clan. nicknames are things that you EARN. every single person in this clan has EARNED their nickname, paid for with blood and sweat most times."

Kid, a little scared now but with a hint of rebellion, says" what about those who didnt earn theirs with blood and sweat? like the cooks nickname, (insert awesome nickname here)? all he ever does is cook food, i have never seen him do anything worthy of that name."

Leader guy slaps kid across the face " dont you EVER diss the cooks name again. There are worse things than blood and sweat to pay. some day he may tell you what he had to do to earn that name, but until you do you will show RESPECT for what he does and what he lost"

see, my problem in writing a story isnt so much the ideas or anything, its basically starting it out in a way that i like and then keeping with it. but from some of the things that i have read thats the way that most authors are so i dont feel to bad about it. i hope that i will eventually write the actual story in my head, but that might be a while still. oh well, shit happens.

cause i can, i will outline whats in my head for you, readers who might stumble across this and be bored or high enough to want to read it. its set in a world where humanity rose to a peak of technological might, higher than we are today but not quite space travel. then, something happened, and we were no longer alone on our world. suddenly, we were sharing our world with a thousand different species of creatures, all just as smart as we are. while some of them hadnt reached the peak of science and technology that we had, some had reached it. and for those who didnt have science and technology on their side, they usually brought something else. suddenly, magic was in our world, not the fake shit but real magic. stuff that made a race who still used bronze axes and wooden shields able to hold their own against an armed group of soldier equiped with the latest in body armor and rifles. that kind of magic. suddenly, humanity wasnt the biggest and baddest race on the earth anymore, and we lost land quickly. My story takes place well after the other races came to us, and follows a clan roaming the great plains of what was once America.

First Post

Wow, this feels weird. Never thought i would ever blog, pretty much cause i didn't know what a blog was until this year. There is gonna be a lot of shit up here, but only because i am fairly confident that no one but me and my teachers are ever gonna read this. anyways, this will basically be a place for me to rant and rave and talk about all the shit that comes into my head when i am done parting for the night and come home a little messed up. i really hope my mom never finds that, she would kill me.

Anyways, a little bit about myself. i am 19 as of this post, but that will eventually change cause we haven't found a way to make time stop. we will though, i believe in humanity.anyways, i am a college student attending the University of Redlands in southern California, in the city of Redlands near San Bernadino. its pretty awesome, a small liberal arts college. I am also a football player there, and that is still pretty cool but becoming less so with each passing day. Football is not an easy sport, and it only gets harder in college. Who Knew? since i am only 19, i have no real plans for my life and thus cannot tell you what my major is going to be or anything like that, but i may end up having a minor in philosophy cause its hella easy to do and i kind of like it. but who knows, i may end up hating it eventually and move on to something completly different. thats how life works. i should probably add that my name is chris dieter, but please if anyone reads this dont be a weird stalker.

So whats my porpose in making my very own blog? boredom mostly. it is now 1:24 am where i am at and i have nothing to do. so why not make a blog, which is also something that i have to do for one of my classes anyways? plus, now i have somewhere to put all of my crazy thoughts without having a journal, and if others happen to like them all the better. so much fun:)